All through September
Every Wednesday 6pm to 8.30pm – volunteers meet at Agnew Lane to learn to grow and help out.
14th August
3pm Storytelling and consultation at the Quadrangle – raised green area at the rear of the backcourts on Eskdale street, Albert road, Cathcart road and Dixon road.
28th May
Queen’s Park Recreation Ground – South Seeds will be running a stall with energy advice and food growing opportunities.
29th April
As part of the Streetland festival in Govanhill South Seeds will be demonstrating how to grow and save energy.
December 2011
Energy monitors are loaned out and home energy checks are performed for residents. South Seeds moves office to Butterbiggins Road, come and visit us.
November 2011
Garlic planters are offered to Southside residents in Govanhill, Crosshill, Strathbungo and Queen’s Park. Hope you are in when we knock the door.