Growing a Greener Glasgow


Visit us at our drop-in!

Every wed 10am -12am & 2pm-4pm


Gallery Check out our photos to see what we’ve been up to in the local community and beyond.


What’s going on? At South Seeds we have a lot going on – from exciting events to engage the community, new developments within our organisation and good ol’ fashioned hard work to get the gardens growing well. Keep up to date by visiting this page for our latest news, events and opportunities.

About us

South Seeds was formed in 2011 by a group of people who all wanted to make a difference to the local community and the wider environment on the Southside of Glasgow. Here is a little information about some of the people who are currently involved. If you would like to take part as well, then […]


Our Friends Here are some of the organisations which have supported us since we started. You may also find these organisations helpful. Locavore is both a shop and project which contributes to creating sustainable local food economies on the Southisde of Glasgow. GREAT Gardens offers training in grounds maintenance and horticulture to people who have […]