Offering energy advice at Govanhill Welfare Hub
From the 1st of August South Seeds will be offering energy advice at Govanhill Housing Welfare Hub.
Best close in Govanhill
The Richmond Fellowship close on Butterbiggins Road wins ‘Best Close in Govanhill’. They have created a fruit and vegetable growing area in the back court and shared information to reduce energy bills.
Regular summer gardening sessions
South Seeds are running regular sessions throughout the week in the Southside of Glasgow. You don’t have to have any gardening or food growing experience to take part.
South Seeds on the telly
For those of you who missed South Seeds on STV’s Riverside programme in early June, here it is.
South Seeds secures funds to develop the next phase of energy work
South Seeds will be working to tackle fuel poverty and carbon emissions in the communities of East Pollokshields, Govanhill, Crosshill, Queen’s Park and Strathbungo through the Southside Energy Saving Champions project.
We are looking for 3 people to join the board
Download the application pack to find out more.
Building a garden with local kids
South Seeds are building a new community garden in the heart of Govanhill, just off Allison Street.
Community composting
Check out the community composting facilities Robin has installed at Queen’s Drive Lane community garden. There are instructions on the side of the bin, to let you know what is compostable.