News and Events
At South Seeds we have a lot going on – from exciting events to engage the community, new developments within our organisation and good old fashioned hard work to get the gardens growing well. Keep up to date by visiting this page for our latest news, events and opportunities.
Listen In Lights Out 1st March
A candlelight evening of unamplified songs at the Bungo. Find out more here.
Agnew Lane gardening session Sunday 16th September
Workday at the Agnew Lane (just off Albert Road, Govanhill) community garden. Everyone welcome. Starts at 1pm ends at 3pm.
South Seeds on Guardian website
Have a look at the article at
A programme of events coming soon
The Energy Catalyst Project is about to start and a programme of events will be posted soon. In the meantime, we are recruiting for 5 posts, check out the news section for job descriptions.
South Seeds secures new CCF money
South Seeds is delighted to let everyone know that we’ve been successful in our bid to the Scottish Government for Climate Challenge Funding. We’ve been awarded £228k for a two year programme which we’re going to use to help people cut energy bills and improve our local neighbourhood. See our South Seeds Press Release. Watch this space for more details soon!
Cook-up at Agnew Lane, Saturday 5th May, 1-3pm
Come along to our Cook Up in Agnew Lane Community Garden this Saturday from 1-3pm and enjoy some lovely locally-produced foods cooked up on our new portable wood stove! Also some gardening opportunities for the keen.
April 2012
The Climate Challenge Fund project has now finished. But South Seeds has opportunities for local residents to learn how to plant seeds. South Seeds top gardener, Robin Ashton, has been working with schools to plant up raised beds in playgrounds for a productive growing season.