Welcome to South Seeds!
South Seeds is a community organisation based in the South Central area of Glasgow. We aim to work in partnership with residents and organisations within the local community to help improve the look and feel of the area. Our mission is to enable Southsiders to lead more sustainable lives .
For up-to-date information, check out our social media platforms. Links at the top of the page to Facebook and twitter, we are also on Instagram and LinkedIn.
How to install underfloor insulation in Victorian tenements
We have made a film which shows you how.
Sharing our experience
We get a visit about once a week from another project tackling climate change. Here is the story of one of them.
Developing a new site from scratch
We have recently been given written permission to create a new community garden along Queen’s Drive Lane which you can access from Langside Road in the Queen’s Park area. Over the last couple of weeks we have been talking with local residents about the potential of the site. On Sunday the 16th of February we organised […]
Developing energy-efficiency solutions with Glasgow City Council
South Seeds showed staff at Glasgow City Council, with a remit for planning, a pilot install of affordable secondary glazing in a listed property in the Southside of Glasgow.