Growing a Greener Glasgow


Energy case studies

10 case studies about clients who had energy problems

Transforming the Old Changing Rooms

Join our work party to transform the Old Changing Rooms on Queen’s Park recreation ground.

Possible business models for South Seeds

This report published by the University of Strathclyde examines South Seeds business model and shares the findings.

Improvements for energy consumers in Scotland

On Tuesday 23 August 2022, Nicola Sturgeon met with energy suppliers to discuss what more can be done to support people as energy costs spiral and households face a very worrying winter. South Seeds sent this letter in advance of her meeting.

National Planning Framework and Glasgow’s southside

South Seeds took the opportunity to gather together people who have been working for Southside community led organisations who have been improving the area over a number of years and find out their views on NPF4

How people actually keep warm

A simple infographic showing the results of our research in to how people keep warm in hard-to-treat pre-1919 tenement flats.

Research in to how people keep warm

Last winter we took the opportunity to find out how residents kept warm in draughty tenement flats on Glasgow’s southside when it’s freezing outside.

The Southside Tree Trail

This circular walk around Glasgow’s southside takes in 3 parks. On the way you will learn about 12 trees. Download the pdf to follow the trail.