News and Events
At South Seeds we have a lot going on – from exciting events to engage the community, new developments within our organisation and good old fashioned hard work to get the gardens growing well. Keep up to date by visiting this page for our latest news, events and opportunities.
Renewable Snapshot report published
The Renewable Snapshot report identifies renewable energy technology appropriate for the Southside of Glasgow and where it could be installed on a street by street basis.
Celebrate wildlife at Queen’s Drive Lane, Saturday 18th July
Come along, we would love to show you the garden we have built over the last year and a half. Also it is a great opportunity to meet local residents and find out more about South Seeds.
How to recycle wooden pallets safely
Top tips: if you are an organisation collecting pallets it’s important to register with SEPA and everyone should avoid using pallets which contain harmful chemicals.
We win two Streets Ahead awards
South Seeds is delighted to have won Best Community Initiative and Best Overall Winner at last night’s Evening Times’ Streets Ahead awards.
South Seeds secures £8,000 for two households
Two examples of households South Seeds has supported to get heating systems through the energy assistance scheme.
Time to start composting
We have a film about how to make a composting bin, a fact sheet about how to share composting in a tenement backcourt and a manual showing you how to get started.
Saving energy in a sandstone tenement
One family thought they had done all they could to save energy at home. A South Seeds home energy audit highlighted more that could be done.