Growing a Greener Glasgow

Welcome to South Seeds!

South Seeds is a community organisation based in the South Central area of Glasgow. We aim to work in partnership with residents and organisations within the local community to help improve the look and feel of the area. Our mission is to enable Southsiders to lead more sustainable lives .

For up-to-date information, check out our social media platforms. Links at the top of the page to Facebook and twitter, we are also on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Here's what we've been up to

South Seeds secures £8,000 for two households

Two examples of households South Seeds has supported to get heating systems through the energy assistance scheme.

Time to start composting

We have a film about how to make a composting bin, a fact sheet about how to share composting in a tenement backcourt and a manual showing you how to get started.

Saving energy in a sandstone tenement

One family thought they had done all they could to save energy at home. A South Seeds home energy audit highlighted more that could be done.

New grant and loan help to become more energy efficient

There is a grant available to those properties in council tax band A, B and C to become more energy efficient, and an interest free loan available to all properties to become more energy efficient.

See us on the map!