Welcome to South Seeds!
South Seeds is a community organisation based in the South Central area of Glasgow. We aim to work in partnership with residents and organisations within the local community to help improve the look and feel of the area. Our mission is to enable Southsiders to lead more sustainable lives .
For up-to-date information, check out our social media platforms. Links at the top of the page to Facebook and twitter, we are also on Instagram and LinkedIn.
Dealing with fuel debt
Many people are dealing with fuel debt at this time of year. We have produced a factsheet which outlines a number of practical steps which can be taken to reduce the burden of fuel debt.
Building a community garden with kids
The ECO committee from Annette Street Primary School are helping us build another community garden behind Allison Street.
Housing association staff start composting
South Seeds have installed a composting bin at the offices of Southside Housing Association and the staff are looking forward to getting started.
Govanhill Gazette available to download
Residents, community groups and elected members comment on the Govanhill Gazette, a one off newspaper with a focus on rubbish collection and fly-tipping in a particular area in Govanhill.